Many people have a hard time choosing the color of the exterior wall of their home. And no wonder! In addition to the fact that there are many options on the market in terms of colors, shades and materials, there are also other factors that must be taken into account. Here I detail three of the most common mistakes so that you do not make them.
1. The color of the house does not match the style or color of the entrance door
Whatever color you choose for the exterior wall, your entrance door should highlight it, complement it and embellish it. The color, style and texture of the entrance door should be like the cherry on top of a dessert and not like a stain that does not match and spoils the general view of the house. Moreover, its style should match the architectural theme of the property.
2. A color palette has not been defined
Many homeowners think that choosing a color scheme is only for the interiors, but this is not the case. Do not neglect this very important issue. Remember when you were a kid, you’d draw a house and paint it, choosing your colors carefully? You should do the same when planning the color scheme for the exterior of your home: why not take a photo, print it out, and paint it to see how it looks? Don’t forget to choose a main color and one or two more for accents on jambs and trim.
3. The surroundings have not been considered
As excited as you may be about a particular idea or color scheme, don’t neglect the surroundings! Think about the landscape (or buildings!) in the background, the color of the neighboring houses, and how your house will look under nighttime lighting if there is any.
Also, don’t forget that if you live in a gated community, there may be a code regarding the exterior paint of buildings in that neighborhood. But even if there isn’t, try to make sure your house doesn’t clash too much with the neighborhood: it’s one thing to be original, but quite another to be out of place. While it is true that you can paint your home in any colour you like, this will not help when selling it if you have done it in poor taste. Seek advice, at least in the place where you buy the paint!